Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Youth and adult education in Latin America and the Caribbean: The role of social movements

Youth and adult education in Latin America and the Caribbean: The role of social movements

Violeta Collado, María Alicia Rueda, John Holst


This article draws together the diversity of practices and experiences presented in the previous articles. We identify the challenges and opportunities facing adult educators in Latin America and the Caribbean in a context of growing social movements and discuss the potential relevance of these practices and experiences for US adult educators.

Our Research


This article draws together the diversity of practices and experiences presented in the previous articles. We identify the challenges and opportunities facing adult educators in Latin America and the Caribbean in a context of growing social movements and discuss the potential relevance of these practices and experiences for US adult educators.

Social Movements

Anti-Racism, College student movements, Feminist


Decolonialism, Educator, Gender, Latin America, Nonformal Education, North America, Policy, Public Schooling, Race


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning

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