Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Amateurs Out to Change the World

Amateurs Out to Change the World

Michael Welton


Presents a history of four phases of Canadian adult education: (1) agrarian radicalism, 1910-1945; (2) women's organizations and community development sites; (3) adult education and the crisis of democracy, 1929-1945; and (4) community building in Nova Scotia, 1954-1957.


Presents a history of four phases of Canadian adult education: (1) agrarian radicalism, 1910-1945; (2) women's organizations and community development sites; (3) adult education and the crisis of democracy, 1929-1945; and (4) community building in Nova Scotia, 1954-1957.

Social Movements

Peasants' Rights, Women's Rights


Class, Community Organizing, Democracy, Gender, Informal Learning, Nonformal Education, Policy, Popular Education


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning