Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Conceptualizing training in the radical adult education tradition

Conceptualizing training in the radical adult education tradition

John D. Holst


Holst, J. D. (2009). Conceptualizing training in the radical adult education tradition. Adult Education Quarterly59(4), 318-334.

This article reviews contemporary definitions of training in adult education literature with a focus on the narrowing of what is generally considered and not considered to be training today. The article then provides a number of historical and contemporary examples of training within the radical tradition. It argues that in the radical tradition, training is not conceived so narrowly and the terms training and education are at times used interchangeably to refer to a democratic and participatory form of education. The article concludes with a thematic summary of training conceptualized within the radical adult education tradition.

Our Research


Holst, J. D. (2009). Conceptualizing training in the radical adult education tradition. Adult Education Quarterly59(4), 318-334.

This article reviews contemporary definitions of training in adult education literature with a focus on the narrowing of what is generally considered and not considered to be training today. The article then provides a number of historical and contemporary examples of training within the radical tradition. It argues that in the radical tradition, training is not conceived so narrowly and the terms training and education are at times used interchangeably to refer to a democratic and participatory form of education. The article concludes with a thematic summary of training conceptualized within the radical adult education tradition.

Social Movements


Democracy, Nonformal Education, Pedagogy


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning, Theoretical Perspectives on Social Movements and Education

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John Holst