Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Criteria for Assessing Critical Adult Education Research

Criteria for Assessing Critical Adult Education Research

David Little


Critical educational science is an emerging adult education research orientation that preserves while at the same time supersedes empirical-analytic and intrepretive research traditions. This supersession/preservation is explored through an examination of the philosophical foundations of each. Based on this analysis, criteria are proposed for assessing critical adult education research projects and questions are raised regarding the reporting of this research.


Critical educational science is an emerging adult education research orientation that preserves while at the same time supersedes empirical-analytic and intrepretive research traditions. This supersession/preservation is explored through an examination of the philosophical foundations of each. Based on this analysis, criteria are proposed for assessing critical adult education research projects and questions are raised regarding the reporting of this research.

Social Movements


Informal Learning, Nonformal Education, Pedagogy, Policy


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning