Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Cultures, Communities, Identities

Cultures, Communities, Identities

Marjorie Mayo


Cultures, Communities, Identities explores a wide range of cultural strategies to promote participation and empowerment in both First and Third World settings. The book starts by analysing contemporary debates on cultures, communities and identities, in the context of globalization. This sets the framework for the discussion of cultural strategies to combat social exclusion and to promote community participation in transformative agendas for local economic and social development. The final chapter focuses upon the use of cultural strategies and new technologies across national boundaries, at the global level.


Cultures, Communities, Identities explores a wide range of cultural strategies to promote participation and empowerment in both First and Third World settings. The book starts by analysing contemporary debates on cultures, communities and identities, in the context of globalization. This sets the framework for the discussion of cultural strategies to combat social exclusion and to promote community participation in transformative agendas for local economic and social development. The final chapter focuses upon the use of cultural strategies and new technologies across national boundaries, at the global level.

Social Movements

Anti-Racism, Ethnic movements


Class, Community Organizing, Globalization, Race


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning