Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Demystifying Pseudo-Freirian Development: The Case of Laedza Batanani

Demystifying Pseudo-Freirian Development: The Case of Laedza Batanani

Ross Kidd, Martin Byram


Paulo Freire has become a household word over the last decade and many development workers have attempted to implement his ideas, often without an adequate understanding of the conscientization process and the Copernican shift it requires in educational practice.

This paper is a case study of a non-formal education project in Botswana which attempted to follow a Freirían model. The project name Laedza Batanni-loosely "Community Awakening" - indicates its espoused Freirían ideology. One of the key features of this programme is the use of popular theatre as the medium for encouraging participation, raising issues, fostering discussion, and promoting collective action.


Paulo Freire has become a household word over the last decade and many development workers have attempted to implement his ideas, often without an adequate understanding of the conscientization process and the Copernican shift it requires in educational practice.

This paper is a case study of a non-formal education project in Botswana which attempted to follow a Freirían model. The project name Laedza Batanni-loosely "Community Awakening" - indicates its espoused Freirían ideology. One of the key features of this programme is the use of popular theatre as the medium for encouraging participation, raising issues, fostering discussion, and promoting collective action.

Social Movements

Community-based education movement


Africa, Community Organizing, Nonformal Education, Popular Education, Praxis


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning