Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Education for Democratic Participation

Education for Democratic Participation

Shirley Walters


The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the informal and nonform al educational practices within fxrtain community resource and service agencies, which have formed a part of an emergent social movement in Cape Town in the early 1980s. It aims to describe and explain the self-educational practices within these community organisations at a particular historical juncture.


The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the informal and nonform al educational practices within fxrtain community resource and service agencies, which have formed a part of an emergent social movement in Cape Town in the early 1980s. It aims to describe and explain the self-educational practices within these community organisations at a particular historical juncture.

Social Movements

Participatory Democracy


Africa, Community Organizing, Democracy


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning