Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

International Service-Learning in Practice

International Service-Learning in Practice

Noel Habashy


This chapter explores key theoretical concepts relevant to the planning and implementation of international (and domestic) service-learning programs. This chapter explores the power dynamics of international service-learning through four key theoretical concepts: the politics of power, local knowledge, framing, and problem definition. While these ideas are particularly appropriate for international service-learning program, they are also relevant for domestic service-learning partnerships in nearby communities. In addition to providing theoretical frameworks, this chapter identifies recommendations for practice in order to address each of the four challenges identified. Universities must consider these factors if they wish to develop stronger programs with reciprocal benefits to communities and students. With stronger partnerships, better development will occur for both students and community members.
Our Research


This chapter explores key theoretical concepts relevant to the planning and implementation of international (and domestic) service-learning programs. This chapter explores the power dynamics of international service-learning through four key theoretical concepts: the politics of power, local knowledge, framing, and problem definition. While these ideas are particularly appropriate for international service-learning program, they are also relevant for domestic service-learning partnerships in nearby communities. In addition to providing theoretical frameworks, this chapter identifies recommendations for practice in order to address each of the four challenges identified. Universities must consider these factors if they wish to develop stronger programs with reciprocal benefits to communities and students. With stronger partnerships, better development will occur for both students and community members.

Social Movements


Community Organizing, Globalization, Higher Education, Pedagogy


Social Movements Within; Through; and for Public Education

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Noel Habashy