Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Learning to Transgress: A Sociohistorical Conspectus of the American Gay Lifeworld as a Site of Struggle and Resistance

Learning to Transgress: A Sociohistorical Conspectus of the American Gay Lifeworld as a Site of Struggle and Resistance

Robert Hill


Fugitive knowledge constructed outside the dominant discourse by gay and lesbian people is distributed through networking and is the basis for learning to transgress in social contexts. Popular adult education is essential to the process of knowledge construction and dissemination.


Fugitive knowledge constructed outside the dominant discourse by gay and lesbian people is distributed through networking and is the basis for learning to transgress in social contexts. Popular adult education is essential to the process of knowledge construction and dissemination.

Social Movements

Gay Rights


Gender, Informal Learning, Knowledge Production, Popular Education, Praxis


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning