Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Power to the people: Service learning and social justice

Power to the people: Service learning and social justice

Robert Oden, Thomas Casey


Based on interviews with former Black Panther Party leaders, the coauthors, former Black Panther Party members, explore the link between the Panther’s revolutionary approaches to political education and community survival activities in the African American community and academically-oriented service learning methodologies and practices. This research provides an approach to enhancing service learning and social justice work for students in higher education.


Based on interviews with former Black Panther Party leaders, the coauthors, former Black Panther Party members, explore the link between the Panther’s revolutionary approaches to political education and community survival activities in the African American community and academically-oriented service learning methodologies and practices. This research provides an approach to enhancing service learning and social justice work for students in higher education.

Social Movements

Black Power


Community Organizing, Higher Education, Informal Learning, North America, Pedagogy, Race


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning