Progressive Social Movements and Educational Equity
Jean Anyon
This article places policy development in the context of progressive social movements. It describes how social movements develop, and delineates some of the accomplishments of such contestation in U.S. history as well as in changes of education policy. The article closes by considering the possibilities and challenges of current social movement building efforts for equity in U.S. education policies.
This article places policy development in the context of progressive social movements. It describes how social movements develop, and delineates some of the accomplishments of such contestation in U.S. history as well as in changes of education policy. The article closes by considering the possibilities and challenges of current social movement building efforts for equity in U.S. education policies.
Social Movements
Civil rights movement, Immigrant Rights, Labor Rights, Women's Rights
North America, Policy, Public Schooling
Social Movements Within; Through; and for Public Education