Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Pursuing the “Unfinished Business of Democracy”: Willa B. Player and Liberal Arts Education at Bennett College in the Civil Rights Era

Pursuing the “Unfinished Business of Democracy”: Willa B. Player and Liberal Arts Education at Bennett College in the Civil Rights Era

Crystal Sanders


Playing as influential a role as many better-known Civil Rights Movement leaders, Bennett’s president inspired its students to fight for social justice. She encouraged students to participate in protests, inspired by the 1960 Woolworth’s sit in, and initiate blacks to become more politically involved, by registering to vote.
Our Research


Playing as influential a role as many better-known Civil Rights Movement leaders, Bennett’s president inspired its students to fight for social justice. She encouraged students to participate in protests, inspired by the 1960 Woolworth’s sit in, and initiate blacks to become more politically involved, by registering to vote.

Social Movements

Civil rights movement, College student movements


Democracy, Educator, Higher Education, Race


Social Movements Within; Through; and for Public Education

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