Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Radicalizing learning: Adult education for a just world

Radicalizing learning: Adult education for a just world

Stephen D. Brookfield, John D. Holst


This book offers new readings of the theory, politics, policy, and practice of radical adult education and learning where people's lives are understood as complex and interrelated matters. Brookfield and Holst's poetics and deeply human prose sound rebellious; the authors confront some of the main radical trends in the field of adult education including critical theory, transformative learning, and popular education. An epilogue, a name index, and a subject index are included.
Our Research


This book offers new readings of the theory, politics, policy, and practice of radical adult education and learning where people's lives are understood as complex and interrelated matters. Brookfield and Holst's poetics and deeply human prose sound rebellious; the authors confront some of the main radical trends in the field of adult education including critical theory, transformative learning, and popular education. An epilogue, a name index, and a subject index are included.

Social Movements


Globalization, Nonformal Education, Pedagogy, Popular Education


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning

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John Holst