Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Roots of Public Support for Labor Education 1900-1945.

Roots of Public Support for Labor Education 1900-1945.

Ronald Peters, Jeanne McCarrick


This article traces the beginnings and early development of workers' education institutions which demonstrate the historical origin of public support for labor education during the period 1900-1945 in the U.S. The article will deal with the creation of the legislation and the rise and fall of the campaign to establish a Labor Extension Service from 1942 to 1950. Organizations of working people have been supportive of public education throughout U.S. history.


This article traces the beginnings and early development of workers' education institutions which demonstrate the historical origin of public support for labor education during the period 1900-1945 in the U.S. The article will deal with the creation of the legislation and the rise and fall of the campaign to establish a Labor Extension Service from 1942 to 1950. Organizations of working people have been supportive of public education throughout U.S. history.

Social Movements

Popular movements, Women's Rights, Working Class


Class, Curriculum, Democracy, Europe, Gender, Higher Education, Nonformal Education, North America, Policy


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning