Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Schooling for “Good Rebels”: Socialism, American Education, and the Search for Radical Curriculum

Schooling for “Good Rebels”: Socialism, American Education, and the Search for Radical Curriculum

Kenneth Teitelbaum


By rediscovering the radical educational movements in the US, this text paves the way to reconceiving the possibilities of reforming schools and society. It adds to the debate about the need for change amidst the current crisis of confidence in the education of children.


By rediscovering the radical educational movements in the US, this text paves the way to reconceiving the possibilities of reforming schools and society. It adds to the debate about the need for change amidst the current crisis of confidence in the education of children.

Social Movements

Socialist movements


Class, North America, Public Schooling


Social Movements Within; Through; and for Public Education