Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Social Movement Industries: Competition and Cooperation Among Movement Organizations

Social Movement Industries: Competition and Cooperation Among Movement Organizations

Mayer N. Zald, John D. McCarthy


Although the literature on social movements is vast, there has been surprisingly little systematic analysis of the interaction of social movement organizations (but see James Q. Wilson, 1973; Zald and Ash, 1966; Gusfield, 1966, Nelson. 1974). Of course. practitioners and the practical theorists have developed strategies for interorganizational relations. Lenin knew how to freeze the Mensheviks out in the cold, and his able disciple, Willi Muenzenberger, knew how to create a popular front. Naturally enough. practical theorists have not analyzed the range of possible forms of social movement organization interaction, normally concentrating instead upon problems of the moment.

Our Research


Although the literature on social movements is vast, there has been surprisingly little systematic analysis of the interaction of social movement organizations (but see James Q. Wilson, 1973; Zald and Ash, 1966; Gusfield, 1966, Nelson. 1974). Of course. practitioners and the practical theorists have developed strategies for interorganizational relations. Lenin knew how to freeze the Mensheviks out in the cold, and his able disciple, Willi Muenzenberger, knew how to create a popular front. Naturally enough. practical theorists have not analyzed the range of possible forms of social movement organization interaction, normally concentrating instead upon problems of the moment.

Social Movements


Knowledge Production, NGOs, North America


Theoretical Perspectives on Social Movements and Education

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