Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Social Movement-Led Participatory Governance of Public Education: The Case of the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement

Social Movement-Led Participatory Governance of Public Education: The Case of the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement

Rebecca Tarlau


Tarlau, R. (2018). Social Movement-Led Participatory Governance of Public Education: The Case of the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement. In Another Way: Decentralization, Democratization and the Global Politics of Community-Based Schooling, eds. K. A. Heidemann and R. A. Clothey. Boston: Sense Publishers.

Our Research


Tarlau, R. (2018). Social Movement-Led Participatory Governance of Public Education: The Case of the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement. In Another Way: Decentralization, Democratization and the Global Politics of Community-Based Schooling, eds. K. A. Heidemann and R. A. Clothey. Boston: Sense Publishers.

Social Movements

Landless Workers' Movement (MST)


Democracy, Latin America, Public Schooling


Social Movements Within; Through; and for Public Education

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Rebecca Tarlau