Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Social Movements and the Transformation of National Policy: Street and Working Children in Brazil

Social Movements and the Transformation of National Policy: Street and Working Children in Brazil

Anthony Dewees, Steven Klees


Discusses the problems faced by street and working children in Brazil, problems often exacerbated by the educational system. Describes how grass-roots activism led to enactment of an exceptional progressive law protecting children's rights. Examines the failure of technical rationality as the foundation of mainstream educational planning.


Discusses the problems faced by street and working children in Brazil, problems often exacerbated by the educational system. Describes how grass-roots activism led to enactment of an exceptional progressive law protecting children's rights. Examines the failure of technical rationality as the foundation of mainstream educational planning.

Social Movements



Class, Community Organizing, Latin America, Policy, Public Schooling


Social Movements Within; Through; and for Public Education