Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Social Movements in an Organizational Society

Social Movements in an Organizational Society

Mayer N. Zald, John D. McCarthy


This book is concerned with the carriers and fate of social movements in modern America. It presents an argument that in an organizational society the shape of social movements is closely tied to the technologies, forms, opportunities, and targets created by that society.

Our Research


This book is concerned with the carriers and fate of social movements in modern America. It presents an argument that in an organizational society the shape of social movements is closely tied to the technologies, forms, opportunities, and targets created by that society.

Social Movements

Anti-Nuclear, Pro-choice, Religious movements


Environment, Knowledge Production, NGOs, North America, Race


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning, Theoretical Perspectives on Social Movements and Education

Related People

John McCarthy