Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Social Reconstruction Through Education: The Philosophy, History, and Curricula of a Radical Idea

Social Reconstruction Through Education: The Philosophy, History, and Curricula of a Radical Idea

Michael James


This volume on the history and philosophy of social reconstruction is the result of Kenneth Benne's discussions, essays and experiences, but also includes contributions from other scholars. Each of the essays study the movement as a way of grappling with the critical issue of the relationship between education and social change, and each chapter intends to stimulate, broaden and enrich the legacy of what contributing author James Giarelli calls a public philosophy of education. The volume also connects past to present, thus bringing the reader fresh insight into the dilemmas facing schooling in the 1990s.


This volume on the history and philosophy of social reconstruction is the result of Kenneth Benne's discussions, essays and experiences, but also includes contributions from other scholars. Each of the essays study the movement as a way of grappling with the critical issue of the relationship between education and social change, and each chapter intends to stimulate, broaden and enrich the legacy of what contributing author James Giarelli calls a public philosophy of education. The volume also connects past to present, thus bringing the reader fresh insight into the dilemmas facing schooling in the 1990s.

Social Movements

Conservative Ideas, School Reform Movements, Teachers' Rights


Class, Educator, Gender, North America, Policy, Public Schooling


Social Movements Within; Through; and for Public Education