Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Social Revolutionary Learning: The New Social Movements As Learning Sites

Social Revolutionary Learning: The New Social Movements As Learning Sites

Michael Welton


This paper argues that the new social movements are particularly privileged sites for emancipatory praxis. Old social movements are differientiated from new, and the new social movements are interpreted primarily as defenses of the threatened lifeworld and ecosystem. The specific nature of the learning challenges within particular movements is examined. The author hypothesizes that diverse movements may be crystallizing into a new historic movement.


This paper argues that the new social movements are particularly privileged sites for emancipatory praxis. Old social movements are differientiated from new, and the new social movements are interpreted primarily as defenses of the threatened lifeworld and ecosystem. The specific nature of the learning challenges within particular movements is examined. The author hypothesizes that diverse movements may be crystallizing into a new historic movement.

Social Movements

New Social Movements, Old Social Movements


Class, Democracy, Informal Learning, Praxis


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning