Strategies For Nonformal Education
Rolland Paulston, Gregory Leroy
In this paper we propose: (1) to summarize and critique the prescriptive literature relating to "nonformal education" in the context of national development; (2) to offer reasons for the restricted range of uses commonly suggested for "nonformal education"; and (3) to present and document an alternative set of uses'for "nonformal education" which, while historically and currently important, are commonly neglected in schemes purporting to show how "nonformal education" can most effectively facilitate development processes.
In this paper we propose: (1) to summarize and critique the prescriptive literature relating to "nonformal education" in the context of national development; (2) to offer reasons for the restricted range of uses commonly suggested for "nonformal education"; and (3) to present and document an alternative set of uses'for "nonformal education" which, while historically and currently important, are commonly neglected in schemes purporting to show how "nonformal education" can most effectively facilitate development processes.
Social Movements
Indigenous movements, Working Class
Class, Decolonialism, Europe, Nonformal Education, North America, Pedagogy, Policy, Race
Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning