Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Student Protest and Multicultural Reform

Student Protest and Multicultural Reform

Robert Rhoads


Examines college student activism of the 1990s organized around multicultural issues using case studies of protests at five institutions--Mills College (California), University of California at Los Angeles, Pennsylvania State University, Rutgers University (New Jersey), Michigan State University. Identity politics is highlighted as a key student strategy.


Examines college student activism of the 1990s organized around multicultural issues using case studies of protests at five institutions--Mills College (California), University of California at Los Angeles, Pennsylvania State University, Rutgers University (New Jersey), Michigan State University. Identity politics is highlighted as a key student strategy.

Social Movements

Anti-Racism, Ethnic movements, Gay Rights, Youth Activism


Gender, Higher Education, North America, Policy, Race


Social Movements Within; Through; and for Public Education