Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Successful Community Organizing for School Reform. Strong Neighborhoods, Strong Schools. The Indicators Project on Education Organizing

Successful Community Organizing for School Reform. Strong Neighborhoods, Strong Schools. The Indicators Project on Education Organizing

Eva Gold, Elaine Simon, Chris Brown


The Indicators Project on Education Organizing was designed to examine the role of community organizing in school reform. For over 2 years, researchers documented the education organizing of five urban groups. This report presents an education organizing indicators framework that highlights strategies and accomplishments of education organizing. It describes eight indicator areas: leadership development, community power, social capital, public accountability, equity, school-community connection, positive school climate, and high quality curriculum and instruction. It also describes a theory of change that shows how the work of community organizing groups creates a process that leads from increased community capacity to improved student learning.


The Indicators Project on Education Organizing was designed to examine the role of community organizing in school reform. For over 2 years, researchers documented the education organizing of five urban groups. This report presents an education organizing indicators framework that highlights strategies and accomplishments of education organizing. It describes eight indicator areas: leadership development, community power, social capital, public accountability, equity, school-community connection, positive school climate, and high quality curriculum and instruction. It also describes a theory of change that shows how the work of community organizing groups creates a process that leads from increased community capacity to improved student learning.

Social Movements

School Reform Movements


Community Organizing, North America, Policy, Public Schooling


Social Movements Within; Through; and for Public Education