Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

The State and the Politics of Knowledge

The State and the Politics of Knowledge

Michael Apple


The State and the Politics of Knowledge extends the insightful arguments Michael Apple provided in Educating the "Right" Way in new and truly international directions. Arguing that schooling is, by definition, political, Apple and his co-authors move beyond a critical analysis to describe numerous ways of interrupting dominance and creating truly democratic and realistic alternatives to the ways markets, standards, testing, and a limited vision of religion are now being pressed into schools.


The State and the Politics of Knowledge extends the insightful arguments Michael Apple provided in Educating the "Right" Way in new and truly international directions. Arguing that schooling is, by definition, political, Apple and his co-authors move beyond a critical analysis to describe numerous ways of interrupting dominance and creating truly democratic and realistic alternatives to the ways markets, standards, testing, and a limited vision of religion are now being pressed into schools.

Social Movements

Conservative Ideas, Democracy, Teachers' Rights


Asia, Curriculum, Democracy, Globalization, Latin America, North America, Oceania, Policy, Public Schooling


Social Movements Within; Through; and for Public Education