Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Thought and action in the life of F.D. Maurice, with particular reference to the London Working Men’s College

Thought and action in the life of F.D. Maurice, with particular reference to the London Working Men’s College

Geiger Gibson


This paper seeks to investigate a religious personality-Federick Denison Maurice- with particular reference to his Principalship of the Working Men's College. This is not a detailed biographical approach, but rather an analysis of Maurice's intellectual personality, in so far as it elucidates this contribution to education.


This paper seeks to investigate a religious personality-Federick Denison Maurice- with particular reference to his Principalship of the Working Men's College. This is not a detailed biographical approach, but rather an analysis of Maurice's intellectual personality, in so far as it elucidates this contribution to education.

Social Movements

Working Class


Class, Educator, Europe, Higher Education, Nonformal Education, Pedagogy


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning