Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Internal Speakers Series: Tanner Vea, Kathleen Sexsmith, and Michelle Rodino-Colocino

Internal Speakers Series: Tanner Vea, Kathleen Sexsmith, and Michelle Rodino-Colocino

Feb 11, 2020
– 1:30PM
409H Keller Building

Tanner Vea, Assistant Professor of Education, Learning, Design and Technology(LDT), “Guided Emotion Participation in the Animal Rights Movement”
View Dr. Vea's Presentation

Kathleen Sexsmith, Assistant Professor of Rural Sociology and Melanie Miller Foster, Assistant Professor of International Agriculture, “Reflections on Community-engaged Learning with Migrant Farmworkers”
View Dr. Sexsmith's Presentation

Michelle Rodino-Colocino, Associate Professor of Media Studies in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications, “Bigger Than Uber: Building Solidarity among App-based Drivers in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Seattle”

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