Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

An Anticolonial International? Indians, India, and Africans in British Central Africa

An Anticolonial International? Indians, India, and Africans in British Central Africa

Michael West


Direct and indirect links between the Indian subcontinent and Africa, particularly coastal East Africa, go back many centuries. Well before the era of European overseas expansion, the two regions were constituent parts of a kind of Indian Ocean political economy involving the transfer of goods, people, and various aspects of material and nonmaterial culture.∞However, this earlier commerce produced no recognizable Indian community on the African mainland.

Our Research


Direct and indirect links between the Indian subcontinent and Africa, particularly coastal East Africa, go back many centuries. Well before the era of European overseas expansion, the two regions were constituent parts of a kind of Indian Ocean political economy involving the transfer of goods, people, and various aspects of material and nonmaterial culture.∞However, this earlier commerce produced no recognizable Indian community on the African mainland.

Social Movements

Anti-colonialist, Black Power


Africa, Asia, Globalization, Race


Popular Education; Adult Education; and Social Movement Learning

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