Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

Craven Emotional Warriors

Craven Emotional Warriors

Melissa W. Wright


Wright, M. W. (2008). Craven emotional warriors. Antipode40(3), 376-382.

I and many people with whom I work have, once again, been called “ideological crackpots”. I was just sitting down to work on this essay when I decided to peruse the local daily and see what was happening in the opinion pages, only to discover that another right-wing editorialist is taking cheap shots at scholars in women’s studies, in addition to those in ethnic studies and comparative literature, for being, as he writes, “craven emotional warriors” (Rodriguez 2007). In other words, we’re all crazy, and hormonal. We have heard this before.

Our Research


Wright, M. W. (2008). Craven emotional warriors. Antipode40(3), 376-382.

I and many people with whom I work have, once again, been called “ideological crackpots”. I was just sitting down to work on this essay when I decided to peruse the local daily and see what was happening in the opinion pages, only to discover that another right-wing editorialist is taking cheap shots at scholars in women’s studies, in addition to those in ethnic studies and comparative literature, for being, as he writes, “craven emotional warriors” (Rodriguez 2007). In other words, we’re all crazy, and hormonal. We have heard this before.

Social Movements

Feminist, Women's Rights


Knowledge Production, Latin America


Theoretical Perspectives on Social Movements and Education

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melissa wright