Penn State

Consortium forSocial Movements and Education
Research and Practice

“Feminism” as Ideology: Sarah Palin’s Anti-feminist Feminism and Ideology Critique

“Feminism” as Ideology: Sarah Palin’s Anti-feminist Feminism and Ideology Critique

Michelle Rodino-Colocino


The point of this essay is threefold: to describe the main tenets of Marx’s theory of ideology by critically engaging in the work of Marx and Engels, to flesh out the claim that Sarah Palin’s  “feminism” works ideologically as Marx and Engels describe, and consequently, to demonstrate that ideology critique is important intellectual work for feminist Marxist scholars. As I suggest in the conclusion, this is work that should inform scholars’ political activism.
Our Research


The point of this essay is threefold: to describe the main tenets of Marx’s theory of ideology by critically engaging in the work of Marx and Engels, to flesh out the claim that Sarah Palin’s  “feminism” works ideologically as Marx and Engels describe, and consequently, to demonstrate that ideology critique is important intellectual work for feminist Marxist scholars. As I suggest in the conclusion, this is work that should inform scholars’ political activism.

Social Movements



Class, Gender, North America


Theoretical Perspectives on Social Movements and Education

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Michelle Rodino-Colocino